Sunday, 28 February 2016

My Ultimate To Do List.

I have known Control, and then having none of it. I have known freedom and have understood the responsibilities which come along with being free. I have felt connections, and then the lack of it. 

Amazingly, I have experienced all of the above in a span of very short time lately. Few Months. 

When they say your MIND plays games , they are right. Our mind is a smart ass. That friend who hangs out with you all the time and makes sure to keep your life worked up ( Yes, he is that tricky one ! ). And yet we let him have a ball , at our expense. 

We create a reality with every thought, in each moment, Most of the times we do it unconsciously.
And the beauty is , by putting in efforts and being present into it, we can change it. But the challenge is to silence our  " that friend ", our minds. This friend can be conquered by controlling our thoughts. Lets not let him feed on us and fire us too. 

So, the deal is to become the gatekeeper of our own minds and NOT let our mind control us. 

And , therefore , my perfect things to do - 

 1. Get a grip !!
2. Go, let loose !!!

On it , Amigos !

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